
Genesis (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this volume, R. R. Reno begins with the theological presupposition that Genesis is, at its core, a book that keeps pushing, moving, and looking forward. As Reno states, “As a book of origins Genesis is far less concerned with the source of what is than what will be.” Obviously this means that Reno is interpreting the text, and as such he does not allow Genesis to stand on its “own terms.” He...

ongoing gift of existence bestowed by God. Yet the created order, however good and enduring on its own, is tensed with a purpose that is supernatural. We saw this in the seven-day sequence of creation (→2:2). God finishes on the sixth day—but then a further, seventh day follows. Now, just as the seventh day points beyond creation to the divine drama that will draw all things to their fulfillment, so also does the second creation account end with an anticipated consummation. In accord with the highly
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